Diversity Equity & Inclusion Initiative
We are transforming the conversation of racism, physical differences, differently-abled, bigger-bodied, and having hard, uncomfortable conversations that do that.
We want all people to feel they matter, whether it’s an invisible disability such as mental illness or a visible physical disability.
This is our work to stop the silence, educate, and provide scholarship and aid to help bring differences to yoga, to support communities of color, disabilities and to include ALL. Here, we attempt to do our part to speak out and recognize the oppression that continues to exist from simply being different from what society claims normal.
bipoc full-ride yoga teacher training scholarship!
Congrats to our 2022 winners!
Munirah Binte Razak, 300 hour scholarship recipient
Lynnette Negron, 200 hour scholarship recipient
In the yoga space, we want to see more people of color yoga teachers when we walk into a yoga studio, or take a class online. Thanks to the partnership with Brett Larkin’s Uplifted Yoga we are offer full-ride scholarships to Uplifted’s 200-hour and 300-hour yoga teacher training certification programs, specifically for members of the BIPOC community. Check back for next application date!
300 hr ytt scholarship winner!
Announcing the recipient of our 300 hour full-ride @larkinyogatv Uplifted Yoga Teacher Training Diversity Scholarship! Meet Reggie Hubbard, Founder of Active Peace Yoga whose mission is to make the practice of yoga and living the yogic lifestyle more accessible to all - regardless of race, gender, body type or practice level. Reggie, we love your dedication to being a steady voice in the fight for decency and equality. Congratulations! We are grateful to be on this journey with you.
200 hr YTT scholarship winner!
We are SO excited to announce the recipient of our full-ride @larkinyogatv Uplifted Yoga Teacher Training Diversity Scholarship!!! Meet Miss @iamcarolannjones Congrats Carolann! We love your spirit, your advocacy & your heart to want to spread yoga and be a stand for diversity in the yoga world.
Follow 👉🏽 @iamcarolannjones and let’s as a community support her vision to contribute as a yoga teacher, creating an inclusive space for BIPOC.
YOGA teacher training scholarship
Our intention is to offer resources and scholarships giving people in the margins, access to taking yoga classes or becoming a yoga teacher.
Stay tuned for more about our scholarship for Yoga Teacher Training, in partnership with Brett Larkin’s Uplifted Yoga:
Check back for details on upcoming trainings along with application deadlines
communities of color
We want to elevate existing work that communities of color are doing. We will do this through partnership, collaborations, and awareness. If you know of something a community of color is doing that we should know about, please contact us.
This is just the beginning. We want to do so much more and together as a community we have work to do.
educate yourself
be curious
“The hardest thing you can do is to confront racism and the inequality in your own life.”
~ Michelle Obama
The book that changed the game for us:
"Me and White Supremacy" by Layla F. Saad
Oprah’s Black-owned business list
Anti-Racism Daily on Instagram and sign up for their newsletter
Read about Black Americans who changed American History